IMPORTANT: Soon we will send you a Nation Form. No need to send us your choices yet :)


# Country Changes Region
1 Moroccan Minor (Marrakesh/Sus/Tafilalt) Maghreb
2 Tlemcen Maghreb
3 Tunisian Minor(Mzab/Touggourt/Djerid/Fezzan) Maghreb
4 The Palatinate South Germany
5 Mainz South Germany
6 Wurzburg South Germany
7 Bavarian Minor(Munich/Landshut/Ingolstadt, Regensburg) South Germany
8 Nuremburg South Germany
9 Ansbach South Germany
10 Strasbourg South Germany
11 Baden South Germany
12 Wurttemberg South Germany
13 Ulm South Germany
14 Augsburg South Germany
15 Memmingen South Germany
16 Salzburg South Germany
17 Three Leagues South Germany
18 Geneva South Germany
19 Cili South Germany
20 Wallachia Carpathia
21 Moldavia Carpathia
22 Nitra Released and independent. 3/3/3 ruler starting stats Carpathia
23 Silesian Minor(Glogow/Opole) Poland
24 Mazovia Poland
25 The Isles British Isles
26 Irish Minor British Isles
27 Wales Released and independent. 2/2/3 ruler starting stats British Isles
28 Granada Iberia
29 Navarra Owns Vizcaya Iberia
30 Flanders Low Countries
31 Brabant Low Countries
32 Holland Low Countries
33 Liege Low Countries
34 Utrecht Low Countries
35 Friesland Low Countries
36 Gelre Low Countries
37 Livonian Order/Riga Baltic
38 Teutonic Order/Danzig Danzig released, independent, ruler stats 3/3/3. Danzig owns West prussia and Kulm province while Teutons own East Prussia Baltic
39 Gotland Scandinavia
40 The Knights Anatolia
41 Cyprus Anatolia
42 Brittany France
43 Provence Lorraine Union Removed France
44 Avignon Newly released, independent, changed ruler stats to 3/3/3 France
45 Nevers France
46 Lorraine France
47 Orleans France
48 Foix France
49 Holstein/Lübeck/Mecklenburg North Germany
50 Dithmarschen/Hamburg/Verden North Germany
51 Pomeranian Minor(Wolgast/Stetin) North Germany
52 Bremen North Germany
53 East Frisia North Germany
54 Münster North Germany
55 Brunswick North Germany
56 Lüneburg North Germany
57 Magdeburg North Germany
58 Anhalt North Germany
59 Saxony Thuringian Union Removed North Germany
60 Hesse North Germany
61 Cologne North Germany
62 Cleves North Germany
63 Trier North Germany
64 Frankfurt North Germany
65 Theodoro Owns Caffa Pontic Steppe
66 Zaporozhie Released and independent. 3/3/6 ruler starting stats Pontic Steppe
67 Montferrat Italy
68 Mantua Italy
69 Ferrara Italy
70 Lucca Italy
71 The Papal State Released Avignon, Perugia and Urbino independent Italy
72 Siena Italy
73 Bologna Italy
74 Byzantium Balkans
75 Albania Balkans
76 Serbia Balkans
77 Ragusa Balkans
78 Bosnia Balkans
79 Croatia Balkans
80 Pskov Russia
81 Beloozero Russia
82 Yaroslavl Russia
83 Rostov Russia
84 Tver Russia
85 Ryazan Russia
86 Perm Ural